Capture The Flag!

Grass covered sand hills. With a big yellow flag with a classic smiley face on it.
Photo by Anna / Unsplash

This week we had a guest lecture at school, where we got to take part in a capture the flag activity. And as a person who loves puzzle games, I was sold. So I have decided to try some on my own. I recall that Cyb3rMaddy on YouTube recommended as a good starting point in a video i have seen earlier. So lets head on over the wire and get starting!

At we find different "wargames" as they are called. A tribute to the movie Wargames from 1984? Maybe, I would also recommend that movie while we are talking about wargames. But let's get back on topic, the different wargames have different levels of difficulty. But the site gives us a nice overview of the recommended order to play them in. So we will start off with Bandit.

Bandit is the absolute lowest level and aimed at beginners. We are tasked to SSH in to a server with the user bandit0. Here we need to find and obtain the password for level 1. With that password we must then log in as bandit1 with the new password and find the password for level 2. And this continues all the way up to level 34.

For this I will set up a Kali VM so i have all my CTF activites gathered in one virtual machine. And to make this even easier for me I created both the .ssh directory and the config file inside it. In the config file I added the following content:

Host bandit
    Port 2220

By adding this in my config file I can simply do ssh bandit0@bandit to SSH in to the computer.

I will make an overview here and add the levels as i progress through them. Hopefully beating Bandit over the weekend.

Bandit level 0
Bandit level 1
Bandit level 2
Bandit level 3
Bandit level 4
Bandit level 5
Bandit level 6
Bandit level 7
Bandit level 8
Bandit level 9
Bandit level 10
Bandit level 11
Bandit level 12
Bandit level 13
Bandit level 14
Bandit level 15
Bandit level 16
Bandit level 17
Bandit level 18