Bandit level 7

Level Goal

The password for the next level is stored in the file data.txt next to the word millionth

This so far is one of the easiest, and there is not much to write. So instead of writing tips here, I'll just link to this YouTube video and that should be enough hints.(brilliant and relevant video, go watch it)

Solution - Spoiler Alert!

This is almost as easy as the first levels. we know that the password is next to the word millionth, so we just grep for that. With the command grep millionth data.txt we get the line with the password next to the word millionth.

if you want to over complicate it so only the password is printed to terminal, you can pipe it through awk with the command grep millionth data.txt | awk '{print $2}' and you will only have the password printed to terminal.

Bandit level 6
Bandit level 8