Bandit level 9

Level Goal

The password for the next level is stored in the file data.txt in one of the few human-readable strings, preceded by several ‘=’ characters.

This task is not very different again from the other ones where we need to fin the password in the data.txt file. But the challenge this time is that the file is binary data and not ASCII text. We need to find some clear text within the binary data file

Useful commands:

  • file
  • grep
  • strings

Solution - Spoiler Alert!

To find human readable text in the binary file i use the strings command. This will give me a list of all the strings it finds in the file. We can now pipe this to grep and search for some "=" characters

Command i used to solve this: strings data.txt | grep == this provided me with 4 lines and the password on one of them.

Bandit level 8
Bandit level 10